Better Websites Better Business Your website is the only thing working for your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It never needs rest, it never needs a break. Let the team at IRANOM create your ultimate employee. |
Responsive web design has become a critical component for many companies, as Google has gone from encouraging sites to go responsive to downright punishing those that don’t. Most important of all, responsive design is future-proof. Your site’s responsive design not only works across every browsing platform currently available, but for devices that have yet to be invented. The future of browsing is now. |
In this era you should not need any technical expertise for you to be able to change content on your website. We build our website using a Content Management System (CMS) which provides a back end to login and edit your website content. We use Open Source CMS like Jooml and Word Press. After we have designed your website we will train you so that you be independent when it comes to changing updating information on your website. |
We will implement tools to enable you track your website traffic. If you will be marketing your website then you will want to know how well you marketing efforts are working for you. Analytics tools will help you know how many visitors are visiting your website, the pages they are visiting, their location e.g. country or city. Such information will help you understand your clients and how best to fine tune the information on your website. |